Create & close more deals

We offer a money-back guarantee if you don't see ROI in closed-won revenue.

Starting at $1,000 / month
Track Customers Job Changes
Track key contacts (customers, buyers, users and prospects) job changes
Capture new executive hires
Turn email into qualified leads
Find contacts missing LinkedIn information
Monitor 200 to 20,000 job changes per year
Up-to-date real-time contact enrichment
Salesforce & HubSpot native integrations
Powering companies like
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"Increase ABM results by identifying the most likely buyers to better convert MQL and deliver sales-ready leads to improve revenue contribution."

leila picture
Leila I.
Head of Marketing

"Smarter way to prioritize accounts collecting job changes + posting data to prioritize warm accounts, prevent reps from doing manual searchs, and help reps personalize outbound with relevant context"

romain picture
Romain R.
Head of Growth

"Best tool to track job changes at scale"

basile picture
Basile G.
Head of Sales Operations
Track contacts — past customers, buyers, product users, and prospects — job changes
Generate ICP leads within your target accounts
Find missing LinkedIn Links
Give powerful insights to Sales reps to win more deals
Prevent Churn
Capture Job Offers Intent
Detect Warm Leads more likely to buy and need your value proposition
Detect mature Accounts to Upsell
Personalize Outreach at scale
Automate ICP Leads sourcing
Fuel ABM Campaigns with Signals
Prioritize Warm Leads
Score Accounts
Focus on the leads that matter most
Increase win rates with hyper-personalization
Detect data updates and synchronize to your CRM
Buying intent data
Contacts data enrichment
Find contact missing LinkedIn links
Job Posting
Accounts data enrichment
Find account missing domain & LinkedIn links
Accounts stack of tools
Accounts stack of technologies
Accounts legal information
Up-to-date real-time Opendata
SOC2 compliant data
GDPR compliant data
Native Hubspot Integration
Native Salesforce Integration
Native Salesloft Integration
Native OpenAI Integration
Email and Intercom Support
One to one onboarding
Dedicated CSM

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the pricing work?
Our plans are based on results, you pay only for what you get. We tailor our plans to best fit your needs and volume.
What are enriched data?
We fetch complete datasets SOC2 and GDPR compliant from multiple public data sources about Contacts and Accounts. LoneScale platform makes data matching and reconciliation.
For example, contact information, account details, company legal information, account technologies and tools used, account job postings, etc.
Are taxes included in the pricing?
All our pricing are without taxes.
How does invoicing work?
Via bank transfer or stripe. You automatically receive your invoices every month or every year, depending on your plan.
How does LoneScale handle support?
Please contact us by chat, we are happy to help. Our team is available to listen your feedback and improve LoneScale for you.

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