Some explanations on the technical words you find in our contents.
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A/B Test: split testing, a marketing technique involving 2 variants named A and B variants. They are randomly presented to users. This experiment allows you to measure which version between A and B is the most efficient.
For instance, you can put 2 different objects and see which one got the best opening rate.
API (application programming interface): programming interfaces used to connect to an application to exchange data. APIs are particularly useful to collect, for example, data on its prospects, or to automate a task.
B2B: business to business, this concerns all commercial activities between 2 companies.
Bounce email: an email that, having failed to find a recipient, returns to its sender. This can be due to different reasons: an invalid email address, a saturation of the sender or a ban from the receiving server.
Buying intent: a signal that indicates a prospect is ready to make a purchase. For example: signing a contract.
Click Rate / Click Through Rate (CTR): the percentage of people who click on an element, for example, a calendar link in an email.
Cold-email: a marketing practice that consists of sending an email message to a professional target prospect without having had any prior contact or interaction with this person and without this person having requested this contact.
Conversion funnel: the different steps that a prospect must go through in order to become a customer.
Copywriting: writing texts for advertising or marketing purposes. These different contents will, for example, push the consumer to make a purchase or to perform another action.
GDPR (general data protection regulation): a legal framework that imposes a uniform data security law on all EU members.
Churn rate: an indicator of the phenomenon of customer loss. In a marketing context, the churn rate generally refers to the loss rate of newsletter subscribers or subscribers to online services.
Conversion: A conversion can be defined by the fact that a visitor or recipient of a campaign performs the desired action. This action can be a purchase, filling out a form, or converting the prospect into a customer.
Content Management Software (CMS): a content management software that allows creating online content without HTML programming.
CRM: represents all the techniques that allow it to maintain the relationship with its customers and prospects. CRM also refers to management software that facilitates these operations.
Database: information set up to be easily accessible, managed, and updated. Databases store data or files that contain information such as customer data, financial data, or product information example.
Data enrichment: the process of appending or otherwise enhancing collected data with relevant context obtained from additional sources.
Data privacy officer (DPO): the individual in charge of the various data privacy issues within an organization.
Deliverability: the deliverability of an email is the fact that the email sent reaches the inbox of its recipient. This is what guarantees the success of your emailing campaigns.
KPI (key performance indicator): an indicator that will help in decision-making within an organization.
ICP (ideal customer profile): a profile of your ideal customer, i.e. the customer for whom you will bring the most added value.
He possesses all the desirable attributes (such as gender, age, location, financial capacity, lifestyle, brand affinity, etc.)
Insights: information that allows one to gain a precise and deep understanding of someone or something.
Intent: event identified as a good momentum to get in touch with a company. The idea is to contact the right companies with the right message at the right time.
Landing page: the page on which a user arrives after clicking on a link (commercial link, email link, link related to an advertising banner, etc..).
Lead: a person who may be interested in a product offered by the company. A lead is different from a prospect because a lead becomes a prospect when his need has been qualified.
Lead generation: all the techniques used to collect contact information on potential prospects.
Lead scoring: the methodology used to rank leads against a scale that represents the perceived value that each lead represents to the organization.
Pain point: refers to the needs of the lead. It is important to identify them in order to deliver maximum value.
Persona: a marketing concept that designates a precise socio-economic and psychological profile.
Pipeline: also called sales pipeline, refers to all the prospects that can be signed in the near future and lead to a deal.
Prospect: a potential customer for your products, who has usually expressed a need.
SaaS (software as a service): a business model of software operation in which software is installed on distant servers rather than on the user's machine.
Scraping: an automatic content extraction technique performed by a third party using specific programs, bots, or scripts.
Sequence emailing: a series of emails automatically sent to specific segments of people on your email list.
SDR (sales development representative): a sales specialist focused on finding new prospects, developing fundamental relationships, and renewing the sales pipeline with new leads.
Tracking link: the action that consists in "following" the user on the Internet. For example, in an email, the recipient will click on the tracking link which will count the click and then redirect to the final destination
USP (unique selling proposition/point): represents the fact that a company has an advantage over other companies addressing the same market. It is the thing that makes your company better than the competition, a specific advantage that makes your business stand out.
Value proposition: value proposition is one of the pillars of a successful marketing effort. It consists of a formalization, oral or written, of the benefits that the proposed service is able to bring to the lead.
Webhook: also known as an HTTP callback link or webhook, is in web programming a method of augmenting or modifying the behavior of a web page or web application with custom callback functions.