Customer-centric outbound and ultra-personalization are key to successful outbound.
That’s why our lead generation feature provides you with highly qualified prospects, with their pains and the context of it.
🔗 https://www.lonescale.com/articles/leads-scoring
You can find some ideas for how to use them in your outbound below 👇🏼
Cold e-mailing & direct messaging campaign
Day 1. Email - First reach
Subject A: {prospect’sCompany} <> {your company}
Subject B: How to {your value proposition}
Hi {firstName},
Congrats on {prospect’sCompany} growth!
I am {your presentation}. My motto: {your value proposition}.
I noticed that you are about to welcome a new {jobOfffer}. And one of his or her main tasks will be to {context from the job offer}.
Lately, {your company} has helped a lot of {prospetIndustry} **companies to {leadspains}.
You can check our last article bout it here.
Feel free to directly answer this email or to book a slot in my agenda.
Looking forward to reading from you,
Day 5. LinkedIn interaction (post or comment)
Day 10. Email - Reminder
Subject A: {firstName}, hit your numbers with {your company}
Subject B: Increase your **{leadsPain} while your new **{jobOffer} is settling
Good morning {firstName},
How is your search for candidates going?
If you wonder how to support your {jobOfffer} **team to **{leadspains}, I can help.
This week, we provided {socialProof}. {valueProposition}
Let’s organize a call! Are you available Tuesday at 4 p.m.?
Have a nice day,
Day 15. Phone call or voice message on LinkedIn
Day 22. Email - 2nd reminder
Subject A: {your company} will blow your {jobOffer} mind
Subject B: {firstName}, increase your **{jobOffer} productivity by 25%
Hey {firstName},
I guess you’re being snowed under with this quarter's end.
Maybe I can help? As you know, my goal is to {valueProposition}.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Day 32. Email - Last reminder
Subject A: /
Subject B: New {jobOffer}: last call for the special offer
Hello {firstName},
Unfortunately, I haven't heard back from you since you posted the advert for a {jobOffer}.
Maybe you’re not the person in charge, whom do you recommend I reach out?
I'll leave you with a {leadmagnet}. Let me know if I can ever be of help to you.
Have a nice day,
Still have questions?
If you haven't found the answer you were looking for, please ask our lovely team here: happy@lonescale.com ❤️