Previous customers convert 3X higher.
Lonescale tracks your key contacts as they change jobs daily on auto-pilot, helping you find your next customers.
Instant pipeline boost
Due to historical company changes, you'll receive thousands of job-change leads in your first month.
8-figures pipeline at least
Get hundreds of qualified leads in your CRM - every week - when key contacts change their jobs.
Quality and quantity
Higher conversion rates with +25% of people changing jobs every year
Easy to install
Easy to configure. Built on standard salesforce and hubspot objects.
Integrates with your existing processes and tech stack.
Capture every contact
Calendar sync and Lonescale's algorithms ensure that your entire buying committee, from product users to closed-won opportunities, is accurately logged in your CRM.
Fresh data on auto-pilot
LoneScale's algorithm ensures fresh data on auto-pilot, gathering information in real-time at scale. Contact, and account data are reviewed and refreshed daily.
Focus on high-intent accounts with former customers
Signal based outbound
Act instantly with Lonescale alerts that surface the moment a job change is detected—no delays with batch processing
Source the entire buying committee within an account to expand your reach
Prevent churn
Prevent churn by tracking key contact departures with notifications